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WinZip® 17.5 Delivers Greater Control, Security and Enhanced Cloud Sharing

May 2013 by Marc Jacob

WinZip Computing, a Corel company, introduces WinZip(R) 17.5, building on its strength as the industry’s leading compression, encryption and cloud sharing software. Available as a free update to registered WinZip 17 customers, WinZip 17.5 adds new IT administrator controls, enhanced cloud sharing with support for the European CloudMe service, a streamlined interface and significantly faster unzip performance.

Offering a better way to manage, protect and share files across the cloud, social media and email, the new WinZip 17.5 includes:

 Enterprise IT Controls - New network administrator options make it easy
for IT departments to control file sharing and protect corporate
information. Companies can keep information safe with WinZip by managing
which cloud storage, social media and file sharing services employees
are allowed to access and enforce AES encryption and password protocols
during the process.

 Enhanced Cloud Sharing - Ideal for European customers, WinZip 17.5 adds
direct integration with CloudMe, the Sweden-based cloud storage service.
When connected to Box, CloudMe, Dropbox, Google Drive and SkyDrive,
users can start with as much as 23 GB of free cloud storage and see how
much storage space is available across all their accounts from directly
within WinZip.

 Boosted Productivity - An updated and modernized UI makes it even easier
to find the tools you need in WinZip. Set your preferred cloud storage
account for quick access. Add a timestamp to watermarks to better
protect documents, even after they’ve been unzipped. With more power
under the hood, WinZip 17.5 now unzips .zip and .zipx files up to four
times faster than before.

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