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Kiteworks and totemo join forces to deliver most comprehensive private content communications platform

January 2022 by Marc Jacob

Kiteworks, which governs and protects sensitive digital content moving within, into, and out of global enterprises, announced that Kiteworks and totemo, the mail encryption gateway provider used by hundreds of the largest multinational enterprises in the German, Austrian, and Swiss markets, have joined forces. Integration of totemo’s email encryption gateway technology into the Kiteworks platform will deliver the most comprehensive private content communications governance, compliance, and risk protection in the global market.

Kiteworks empowers organizations to manage risk and ensure compliance effectively and efficiently of every send, share, receive, and save of sensitive content. The Kiteworks platform accomplishes this by unifying, tracking, controlling, and securing all sensitive digital content communications sent through the platform via email, file share, managed file transfer, web forms, and application programming interfaces (APIs).

The union of Kiteworks and totemo extends coverage of the email capability of the Kiteworks platform from user or plug-in activation within the platform into the mail client natively. This provides automatic coverage of all sensitive digital content sent and received via email. Additionally, as totemo’s technology is integrated into the Kiteworks platform in coming months, email content metadata on users, apps, devices, networks, protocols, and files will be centrally ingested and normalized. This unified intelligence will enable organizations to implement centralized and comprehensive tracking and controls to greatly reduce the risk of exposure of private information and more effectively meet regulatory compliance requirements. Enterprises that leverage this integrated intelligence will expand and improve their overall cyber-defense strategy—expanding privacy protection and compliance beyond data center, cloud, and wide area network (WAN) perimeters into third-party sensitive content communications.

This announcement comes at a critical time when sensitive information like personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), and intellectual property (IP) are targeted more than ever before by criminal syndicates and nation states for ransom, fraud, competitive advantage, and other nefarious purposes. Organizations must do more to protect their sensitive information, and this transaction gives them the tools they need—ensuring that all email communications are secure, tracked, and controlled.

As part of the merging of the two companies, totemo’s offices in Zurich will become the EMEA headquarters for Kiteworks.

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