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NFC applications beyond payment will play a key rolefor massive technology adoption,establishes a new Smart Insights Report

September 2013 by Marc Jacob

Intelling and CNRFID are publishing a new
Smart Insights Report “NFC applications beyond payment to boost adoption,” which
delivers an extensive analysis of the NFC applications market beyond payment. The wide
availability of NFC handsets, along with the launch of many payment and non-payment
services mean that the infrastructure is now ready for the development of new services and
their mass adoption.
These markets include retail, loyalty and marketing, transport, automotive, healthcare,
gaming, consumer services, industrial services, government identity, enterprise internal
services, smart cities, etc. This Smart Insights Report “NFC applications beyond payment to
boost adoption” explores in detail all of these segments, describes the specifics of each
market, identifies use cases, major players in each market segment, and stakes that will spur
the development of each market segment. This Smart Insights Report includes market
forecasts for each market segment that demonstrate the weight of non-payment NFC
applications in the global development of the NFC ecosystem.

For instance, NFC brings an essential added value in the retail and marketing segment as it
allows combining interactive advertising through smart posters with a one-to-one consumer
interaction while the end-user is actually shopping. NFC allows to bring targeted services to
each consumer, taking into account his shopping preferences and constraints.
In the healthcare segment, NFC applications bring, at the same time, a better adaptation of
the services to the specific needs of each patient and a global cost reduction. For instance,
by implementing NFC-enabled diagnostic devices, patients can have diagnostics completed
without leaving their home and collected thanks to NFC handsets, which allows to deliver
better diagnostic results and reduces the expenses incurred by the healthcare system.
The Smart Insights Report “NFC applications beyond payment to boost adoption”
demonstrates that NFC applications beyond payment will play a key role thanks to the ease
of use and versatility of the technology, therefore advancing its adoption and the
development of the infrastructure globally.

The Smart Insights Report “NFC applications beyond payment to boost adoption” will be
available by end of October 2013. Pre-orders can be placed from now on at and carry a 30% discount.

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