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NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC. announced the availability of nGeniusEDGE Server

February 2022 by Marc Jacob

NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC. announced the availability of nGeniusEDGE Server, a comprehensive, plug-and-play solution that provides customers with the visibility and insights they need to ensure a high-quality end-user experience regardless of where employees work. nGeniusEDGE Server offers a faster way to identify and resolve performance issues that impact end-users through an easy-to-deploy solution that brings together the views and analysis of nGeniusONE®, and the synthetic testing of nGeniusPULSE nPoint, to promptly warn IT teams of problems to be addressed before they disrupt business.

According to a business impact study conducted by NETSCOUT in 2021, more than 42% of businesses will support a hybrid work environment after the pandemic is over. As a result, IT teams need visibility into employees using VPN, VDI, UCaaS, SaaS, and other voice and business applications from remote locations to ensure business continuity. nGeniusEDGE Server proactively monitors the end-user experience through business transaction testing for continuous performance insights in applications heavily relied upon by remote workers, including collaborative services like Webex and Zoom, as well as web-based/SaaS applications like Microsoft Office 365, SalesForce, and ServiceNow.

To support end-user experience monitoring with quick time to value, nGeniusEDGE Server comes pre-configured with nGeniusPULSE and nGeniusONE software.

Software or hardware nPoints are available separately. Please visit our website for more information on nGeniusEDGE Server.

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