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WP Engine Introduces Two-Factor Authentication

March 2016 by Marc Jacob

WP Engine, which powers amazing digital experiences for websites and applications built on WordPress, announced the introduction of two-factor authentication for the User Portal, adding an additional level of security for all managed hosting customers. This free opt-in feature will be available to all 42,000 WP Engine customers effective immediately.

Recognizing that companies need more sophisticated solutions for protecting their digital identities, WP Engine releases two-factor authentication to further the multiple security features of its platform and services. Two-factor authentication helps prevent unauthorized third parties from gaining access to customers’ sites and potentially harming their business. Additionally, this feature ensures that even if a user’s password is compromised, their account remains secure as long as the second factor remains out of reach to the attacker.

Two-factor authentication requires a second factor (beyond a password) in order to gain access to the account. With this app, a user attempting to log in to their WP Engine managed account will not only have to enter their password but then also enter a generated displayed code that changes every 30 seconds in order to access User Portal. WP Engine is utilizing the Google Authenticator app for two-factor authentication on hosted sites.

Founded in 2010, WP Engine has grown alongside WordPress, the most popular content management system on the Internet. WordPress, introduced 12 years ago, now powers nearly a quarter (23 percent) of the web. WP Engine currently supports more than 300,000 websites and applications in 128 countries, delivering the fastest, most reliable and secure WordPress experience.

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