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LACNIC and the Latin American Operational Security Community Joins Forces With M3AAWG to Combat Online Threats

April 2016 by Marc Jacob

LACNIC, the regional Internet registry for the Latin America and Caribbean region, has joined the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group to collaborate on global cybersecurity issues. LACNIC is also the convening forum for the LAC Network Operators Group; LACSEC, the region’s Network Security Forum; and LAC-CSIRT, a regional security incident response forum. As part of a mutual partnership to fight online threats, M3AAWG has also joined LACNIC to engage with these service providers and online security communities.

The ongoing engagement will provide M3AAWG access to regional expertise on operational and anti-abuse trends and the opportunity to develop relevant joint solutions that address current cybersecurity and cybercrime trends. LACNIC, the Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Center, will gain access to the diverse experience of the M3AAWG membership and its ongoing work developing best practices.

To foster this partnership, several M3AAWG members will participate in the LACNIC 25 meeting on May 2-6, 2016 in Havana, Cuba. They will engage with LACNIC, LACNOG, LACSEC and LAC-CSIRT to identify future collaboration projects and to adapt existing M3AAWG best practices to accommodate region-specific needs. LACNIC members will also be attending future M3AAWG meetings, which are held three times a year.

LACNIC is a non-governmental organization that manages the delegation of number resources, such as IP addresses and Autonomous System Numbers that are necessary for Internet connectivity and routing. LACNIC meetings serve as a convening forum for regional operator communities, such as LACNOG, and for security communities such as LACSEC. LACNIC also facilitates initiatives that support an open, stable and secure Internet within its assigned territory of South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

M3AAWG has published over 40 papers and best practices defining proven processes for preventing or mitigating online threats. It is a global industry association where vetted operational and public policy security specialists from over 20 countries come together in a confidential environment to share information, develop best practices and identify strategies to combat bots, malware, spam, viruses, DoS attacks and other online exploits.
Many M3AAWG best practices address issues specific to Internet service providers and other industry segments that are relevant to LACNIC members. For example, M3AAWG has published best practices to help service providers protect mobile messaging, anti-phishing best practices for ISPs, and guidelines on using a walled garden to contain malware infections.

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