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Device Authority and DigiCert announce partnership to provide enhanced device provisioning and credential management for IoT

September 2016 by Marc Jacob

Device Authority has announced a strategic partnership with DigiCert, a leading global provider of trusted identity and authentication solutions, to provide enhanced device provisioning and credential management for the IoT. The partnership helps expand and enable the range and type of IoT devices that can be secured with encryption, authentication and credential management.

Managed PKI services from DigiCert have revolutionized the cost and complexity of digital certificate infrastructure. These services now include support for smaller, lightweight, IoT devices. DigiCert’s systems are highly scalable and reliable, with the ability to provide support for billions of active certificates. DigiCert already provides large-scale, certificate-based IoT implementations for healthcare, industrial and other critical infrastructure organizations.

To address the challenges of securing, deploying and managing PKI at IoT scale, Device Authority’s Secure Credential Management solution directly integrates with DigiCert to securely automate device certificate provisioning for low-computing devices. Dynamic key generation and data-centric encryption are integrated with DigiCert certificates to ensure that credentials are securely and efficiently delivered and rotated to authorized devices, preventing the use of stolen credentials and unauthorized devices.

Device Authority and DigiCert’s combined solutions will enable certificate deployment and management at scale through:
• Secure Certificate Generation & Delivery
• Automated Certificate Renewal
• Automated Certificate Revocation
• Encrypted Certificate Store

The process of introducing and onboarding devices into an IoT application must be securely controlled while meeting the specific requirements of each IoT environment. Device Authority’s patented device key generation and registration controls provide a highly secure, policy-driven trust anchor for onboarding and provisioning devices.

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