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BioSec helps to skip queues

November 2018 by Marc Jacob

Hungarian security company, BioSec Group Ltd. has announced that a new solution to skip queues is on its way. The company is developing a biometric fast lane solution for events of all shapes and sizes to reduce waiting times and improve user experience. BioSec’s latest development will provide simple, secure and fast access to any event from sports events to concerts and exhibitions, just to name a few.

The BioSec system enables less queuing and faster authentication with one of the most advanced biometric technologies, palm vein recognition. By using BioSec’s fast lane solution, attendees only need their hands to get inside the venue, where they simply put their hands above a contactless vein sensor. To skip queues, visitors should register only once in a lifetime (venues can be connected) and pay a registration fee to enjoy the benefits of the fast lane service. The biometric authentication takes only a second, which is faster than using tickets or cards and it cannot be copied, stolen or lost. In addition, the BioSec system provides a higher security level, as it creates 100% personalised tickets, thus only entitled users can access the event venue (banned people can be recognised and kept outside with the greatest certainty).

Since BioSec’s biometric fast lane solution is planned to be launched in 2019 Q2, event-goers have to wait a little bit more to skip queues. Until then, they can enjoy the benefits of the BioSec system in other fields of life, from biometric computer login to physical access control, just to name a few.

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