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Thales announces major update to Remote HSM Manager

December 2010 by Emmanuelle Lamandé

Thales announces a major update to Thales Remote HSM Manager.

Hardware security modules (HSMs) play a fundamental role in protecting payment transactions. Thales Remote HSM Manager is a solution that facilitates the secure remote management of HSMs. This allows routine tasks to be delegated to the lowest trusted entity and therefore largely eliminates the need for the most senior members of the security team to travel to data centres after the initial installation of the HSM. This latest update also allows both code and licences to be loaded remotely. This delivers significant time and cost saving opportunities for the security team, while still maintaining security audit compliance and complementing existing processes and procedures. A single central security team is able to manage multiple HSMs split between various data centres, all without the need to travel.

Thales Remote HSM Manager is supported by payShield 9000 and HSM 8000 payment HSM families. The solution is fully compliant with key management standards such as those defined in the PCI PIN Security standard.

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