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Sysdig announces malware threat detection and Windows server detection

November 2023 by Marc Jacob

Sysdig announces malware threat detection and Windows server detection. With the speed, breadth, and interconnectedness of the cloud outpacing traditional endpoint detection and response (EDR) approaches, organizations require a purpose-built solution that stays ahead of cloud attacks and supports collaboration between security and development teams.
As organizations mature and introduce complexity to their cloud environments, security teams are under increasing pressure to keep up. They must maintain visibility and provide contextual value without slowing developers down, which is challenging when tooling is not built for the cloud. An end-to-end cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) must include cloud detection and response (CDR) and cover all aspects of the cloud across servers, containers, cloud logs, and serverless compute, giving developers the context they need to move at the speed of the cloud.

Expanding Industry-Leading CNAPP

Windows server threat detection expands coverage of runtime detection to Windows servers. Real-time alerting on suspicious behavior across Windows servers and workloads gives customers a single solution for their entire cloud infrastructure, including virtual machines, workloads, containers, Kubernetes, Linux, and Windows.
Expanding malware detection uses file hashing to stop malware-based attacks. Sysdig detects malware at runtime by checking hashes of executed binaries against known malware, and prevents the execution.

Sysdig’s CDR capabilities provide powerful benefits within the company’s broader CNAPP solution. Customers can begin leveraging the enhanced power of Windows and Linux server threat detection today. By extending the utility of server threat detection to other powerful use cases – such as container and Kubernetes security, cloud logs, and serverless – organizations can achieve comprehensive visibility and deep security insights that traditional EDRs lack.

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