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Surfshark launches social engineering course, educating people on threats and how to avoid them

October 2023 by Marc Jacob

Cybersecurity company Surfshark has launched a social engineering course that involves comprehensive information on the most common social engineering scams and tips on how to avoid them. The course was created in collaboration with Surfshark’s Cybersecurity Lead, who has over 15 years of experience in government security services.

Social engineering refers to psychological techniques scammers use to target people and trick them into revealing sensitive data. According to Surfshark’s study, over 8 billion USD were lost to social engineering scams in 2022 in the US alone, with the average victim losing a shocking $35k. These numbers illustrate the scale of the problem and the growing need to equip people with knowledge and skills to protect themselves from social engineering attacks.

The course includes 7 interactive video lessons centered around scams in messages & calls, social media, dating apps, digital banking, emails, traveling apps, and online shopping. It also includes quizzes to test your knowledge, as well as downloadable material summarizing the lessons.

The social engineering course costs $29.99 USD, but those who purchase a Surfshark subscription are eligible for a discounted price of $19.99 USD.

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