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Record-breaking DDoS attack against a Chinese lottery website - expert comment

April 2016 by Alex Cruz Farmer, VP of cloud at NSFOCUS IB

Imperva Incapsula has spotted a record-breaking DDoS attack against a Chinese
lottery website. The website was the target of HTTP POST flood attack which peaked
at a substantially high rate of 163,000 RPS. What made this attack stand out was the
consuming bandwidth at 8.7 gigabits per second —a record for an application layer

Commenting on this, Alex Cruz Farmer, VP of cloud at NSFOCUS IB, said:

"Application DDoS attacks are the silver bullet today, since volumetric attacks are
becoming more and more understood and are proactively being protected against
through router level filtering. Organisations need to implement anti-DDoS solutions,
which incorporate behavioural algorithms complimented with giant global threat
intelligence databases. This type of technology would make combating attacks like
this academic. Hybrid anti-DDoS solutions, with Cloud there to back up on premise
installations from the larger volumes, are proven to be the best way to mitigate
attacks. That way, if the attack is complex, or has a volumetric side to it and
overpowers the on-premise installation, there is the fast, convenient and most of
all, cost effective way to resolve it."

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