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GMO GlobalSign Unveils New Solution for Secure, Trusted High-Volume Seals

September 2023 by Marc Jacob

GMO GlobalSign Ltd. announced the availability of a new type of seal-based on qualified solutions. GMO GlobalSign’s new “Qualified Trust Seals by DSS” offers advanced electronic seals supported by qualified certificates, enabling customers to quickly deploy seals at a high volume. The new solution is ideal for service providers and any other organization that generates a high volume of documents requiring qualified trust seals, such as invoices, quotes, and purchase orders.

GMO GlobalSign created Qualified Trust Seals in response to customer requests for a fully automated remote signing service meeting the requirements of European Union Trust Lists (EUTL). As Qualified Trust Seals are powered by our popular Digital Signing Service (DSS) it allows for an easy deployment that is also digestible, the perfect answer for organizations looking for a stress-free integration with APIs using the open source EUTL identity framework. With Qualified Trust Seals, GMO GlobalSign is enriching Atlas the company’s digital identity platform.

The new solution is an ideal way to simplify the creation and issuance of essential documents on a larger scale and is set to transform how tasks are managed. The flexibility and efficiency of Qualified Trust Seals make it a crucial tool for businesses aiming to improve their workflow and document management practices.

The qualified certificate embedded within a Qualified Trust Seals can only be obtained from a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP), who must be audited by an accredited organization and achieve the requirements of the eIDAS regulation. In 2018, GlobalSign became the first major certificate authority in the world to become an approved QTSP provider.

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