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Cybersecurity Awareness Month - Expert Commentary from Industry Leaders

September 2023 by Bala Kumar, Chief of Product at Jumio

With Cyber Awareness Month coming up next week, the commentary from cybersecurity expert Bala Kumar, Chief of Product at Jumio, for October’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month for you to use in any relevant stories you may be writing.

For reference, Cybersecurity Awareness Month is now in its 20th year, initially launched by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance to ensure organizations and consumers are ready to take on the cybersecurity landscape. This year’s theme, "It’s easy to stay safe online," demonstrates that while cybersecurity may seem complex, ultimately, it’s not.

“There are a number of commonly used verification tools out there today, like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and knowledge-based authentication. However, these tools aren’t secure enough on their own. With the rise of new technologies like generative AI, cybercriminals can develop newer and more complex attacks that organizations need to be prepared for. Fraudsters can leverage ChatGPT, for instance, to create more convincing and targeted phishing scams to increase their credibility and impact, victimizing more users than before.

This month’s emphasis on cybersecurity reminds us that organizations must build a strong foundation starting with user verification and authentication to efficiently protect customer and organizational data from all forms of fraud. Strong passwords and MFA are always beneficial to have, but with the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, organizations must implement biometric-backed identity verification methods. By cross-referencing the biometric features of an onboarded user with those of the cybercriminal attempting to breach the company, organizations can prevent attacks and ensure that the user accessing or using an account is authorized and not a fraudster, keeping vital data out of criminals’ reach.”

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