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Comments on the mass office exodus: Remote Working

March 2021 by Expert

As it is the anniversary of remote working, the day of the mass office exodus, CybelAngel and Varonis offer their comments on this topic below.

Matt Lock, Technical Director at Varonis -
“The shift from offices to remote working pushed organisations into an unprecedented reliance on collaborative platforms. It might seem miraculous that we can now easily work across time zones, talk face to face with colleagues on the other side of the planet and collaborate on shared documents, but in fact this has caused a major problem when it comes to data security.
Tools like SharePoint are great when it comes to powering collaboration, but good security practices are often not adopted at the same speed as new technology. Organisations are now faced with overexposure of data on a massive scale. Employees are sharing data informally and insecurely, leaving security staff unable to assess where it’s all gone and whether it’s safely stored away.
This overexposure will impact the security landscape for many years to come. Once the genie is out of the bottle, it’s hard for organisations to claw back their data and make sure it’s stored securely. The more data is out there for hackers to access, the more chances they have to launch or extend attacks. It looks like remote working is here to stay. Which means it’s time for organisations to limit the damage of overexposure and start taking the issue seriously”.

Todd Carroll, CISO at CybelAngel -
“Even after the lockdown lifts it’s likely that a hybrid of office and remote working is here to stay. However, one of the consequences of this shifting security perimeter is that it’s left businesses far more exposed to the risk of data leaks.
At a time when data is being shared and stored on more devices and via more collaborative applications, it’s an absolute imperative to detect leaks of sensitive data as quickly as possible, to limit any damage.
As we mark the year milestone since the start of lockdown, it’s now time to review the trade-offs between good security practices and flexible business operations. Companies must readapt security protocols, bolster and protect their digital assets and sensitive data far beyond the security perimeter. IT and security teams need now, more than ever, to have the tools and resources to detect their sensitive digital resources, wherever these may have leaked across the internet from open databases to cloud apps, connected storage devices and Dark Web forums.
Comprehensive, 24x7 monitoring is the minimum requirement and speed to detect your sensitive data leaks is the difference between remediation of a major breach. Moving forward in the hard to negotiate threat landscape, a scarcity of cybersecurity resources will continue. Security teams therefore must have actionable intelligence without a tsunami of false positives”.

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