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Sequitur Labs announced has selected the EmSPARK™ Security Suite

August 2020 by Marc Jacob

Sequitur Labs announced that smart home alarm innovator, Boundary Technologies Ltd., has selected the EmSPARK™ Security Suite as the underlying IoT embedded security framework to protect its firmware, prevent unauthorized access, and provide critical security for its devices.

Boundary’s smart alarm systems are adaptable and customizable to meet the needs of each home, and securely integrate with other devices including Amazon Echo, Google Home, and smart home systems. Boundary devices are built to the high standards of UK and European home security devices, a rigorously structured and legislated industry.

To comply with these demanding requirements, such as the IoT Security Foundation’s Compliance Framework for Best Practices and BS EN 50131 resilience grading for intruder alarm systems, Boundary sought a robust set of production-ready security capabilities, and found them in EmSPARK’s suite of tools and APIs for proper IoT protection. With EmSPARK, Boundary smart alarms gain key and certificate management for protecting devices in the home, secure Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware updates for high reliability, secure payload verification for verifying the integrity of critical home safety functions, and more.

Boundary’s alarm systems boast cutting-edge design and technology with several tiers of monitoring, geofencing, smartphone app controls, and keyholder response to immediately alert a list of contacts, including local police. Devices planned for future availability include AI-powered cameras that learn to distinguish normal and suspicious activity. To further accelerate time-to-market, Boundary and its design partner ARS used the Microchip SAMA5D27 System-on-Module (SOM), which is supported by the EmSPARK Security Suite.

As billions of IoT and smart devices come online, these endpoints will be more and more vulnerable to attacks and threats. EmSPARK provides production-ready systems for industries where embedded security is paramount such as industrial controls, building automation, smart homes, machine vision, automotive communication, and medical devices. IoT hardware manufacturers use EmSPARK to easily implement device-level security by addressing all the technical, IP, supply chain and business process challenges. Developers can easily build applications that use secure resources without having to become experts in cryptography and complex hardware security technologies.

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