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Ramon Mörl CEO of itWatch: our partnership with Gatewatcher will contribute to the Franco-German agreement in the field of Cybersecurity

October 2022 by Marc Jacob Valentin Jangwa, Global Security Mag

During ITSA, itWatch is presenting its new solution it Wash which is a kind of “washing machine” for data. This solution makes it possible to "wash" all the data that enters the Information System to rid them of the malware that they may peddle. Also, itWatch just signed an agreement with Gatewatcher on the first day of the event. Ramon Mörl CEO of itWatch explains the strategy.

Global Security Mag: What are you presenting at ITSA this year?

Ramon Mörl: We are presenting 4 products which are the result of 600 man years of research and development. Our it Wash solution is a kind of “washing machine” for data that are integrated into business processes in order to “wash” all data that come from outside the company. The basis of our solution is an EDR which is designed to harden the operating system. Thus, data that come from outside cannot contaminate the operating system. In addition, users follow business processes without being contaminated by IT threats.

Global Security Mag: What are the strengths of your solution?

Ramon Mörl: our solution offers a military level of security and it is offered in the same way to small and medium-sized companies with a real level of efficiency’ and it is also easy to use.

Global Security Mag: What is your overall marketing strategy?

Ramon Mörl: As a manufacturer of quality solutions we focus on process safety with local and global partners who provide services locally in order to be closer to our customers.

For the European market, digital sovereignty is very important, so we are very happy to announce our partnership with Gatewatcher, which will contribute to the Franco-German agreement in the field of Cybersecurity. Thus, during the European CyberWeek in Rennes from November 15th to 17th, I will be presenting our agreement to the public in order to concretize the partnership with Gatewatcher.

Global Security Mag: What is your message to our readers?

Ramon Mörl:Today, there is no point in thinking only long-term to find the best solution, it is better to focus as well as much as possible on solving the day-to-day problems arising from Cybersecurity.

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