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Kaspersky Comment: Pandemic accelerated UK’s shift online, says Ofcom

June 2021 by David Emm, Principal security Researcher at Kaspersky

In response to a recent survey by regulator Ofcom revealing that the pandemic has accelerated UK’s shift online, the comment from David Emm, Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky.

"Greater use of the internet isn’t, of course, a danger in and of itself. However, with increased internet usage comes a greater risk of exposure to online threats, especially in the form of phishing scams. Anyone surfing the web should secure the devices they use and ensure that their operating system and applications are kept up-to-date. They should also take steps to secure their accounts – by using unique passwords and two-factor authentication - and should stick to legitimate sites. Younger and elderly people are commonly targeted by scammers and are less likely to check with support networks when coming across threats. With new social circles being created remotely to prevent isolation during the pandemic, individuals should pay close attention to the information they share - both in social networks and directly through their mobiles; and think twice before trusting new acquaintances with sensitive information."

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