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Immuta Announces New Integration Between Its Data Security Platform and Amazon S3 Access Grants

November 2023 by Marc Jacob

Immuta announced a new native integration between the Immuta Data Security Platform and object storage service Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This integration provides customers with streamlined data access control and security across storage and compute platforms using Amazon S3 Access Grants, a new Amazon S3 access control feature that enables customers to manage data permissions at scale for user identities managed by corporate directories.

Amazon S3 stores more than 350 trillion objects with over 100 million requests per second to process a multitude of workloads including artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics. Organizations need a simple, scalable, centralized solution that consistently enforces access control and protects data across data stacks, while maintaining compliance with internal and external regulations. With Immuta’s Data Security Platform and Amazon S3’s new Access Grants feature, users can centralize access control management, and leverage attribute-based access controls (ABAC) to grant permissions for objects in Amazon S3 storage. Immuta builds on Amazon S3 controls, increasing efficiencies with fewer policies and lower manual effort, reducing operational costs and opening up new revenue streams. The Amazon S3 integration also helps US government agencies protect sensitive data hosted in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

As part of this new integration, joint customers have access to the following key features:
• Plain-language policy builder reduces the need to manually code AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and Amazon S3 access controls.
• Scalable attribute-based access control supports more use cases and users, and includes a metadata-driven approach to policy logic management to further boost efficiency.
• Consistent access controls and policies across expanding data stacks includes support for Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Databricks, and Starburst (Trino).
• Access to Apache Spark for Amazon EMR, and other AWS services through Amazon S3 Access Grants provides scalable, attribute-based access control for file reads and table access in Spark jobs.

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