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Expert Commentary: NCSC updates cyber risk management guidance

July 2023 by Joseph Carson, Chief Security Scientist and Advisory CISO at Delinea

Reaching out following the news of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) updating their cyber risk management guidance, Joseph Carson from Delinea comment on this new guidance and what the NCSC should consider.

As with all government best practices and guidance, they must stay current to be deemed as valuable and actionable for all businesses to reduce the risks of becoming victims of cyberattacks. The latest update to the guidance from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is an excellent refresh of one of the best cybersecurity risk frameworks that includes an easy-to-use toolbox. Whilst this refreshed and improved guidance is a great resource for all businesses that need help in protecting their digital assets, I fear that this great resource can get lost in all the noise of cybersecurity, and the NCSC must now make it easier to find and more accessible for businesses and security practitioners to use. Whilst toolboxes and guidance are a great resource in defending and protecting businesses from cybercrime, it is also important to provide practical examples from different types of businesses.

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