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Expert Comment: Juniper Research Study Reveals Staggering Cost of Vulnerable Software Supply Chains

May 2023 by Sylvain Cortes, VP Strategy and 17x Microsoft MVP at Hackuity

New data from a Juniper Research study (the foremost experts in cybersecurity markets) find the staggering cost of vulnerable software supply chains will cost the global economy $80.6 billion annually by 2026, up from $45.8 billion in 2023. The 76% growth highlights the growing risks from incomprehensive software supply chain security processes and their increasing complexity.

Sylvain Cortes, VP Strategy and 17x Microsoft MVP at Hackuity, points out that “Enterprise app sprawl continues to create challenges, with many companies juggling a complex web of different security tools, not to mention their overall tech stack. Pair that with exponentially increasing vulnerabilities that can compromise many of these vendors, and a projected 76 percent jump in software supply chain cyberattacks is indicative of an ever-expanding attack surface.

Organisations are already struggling to keep up with their ’own’ vulnerabilities, while attackers are looking far beyond the internal guts of an organisation. In the eyes of an attacker, your suppliers offer an equally inviting welcome mat. The harsh reality is that suppliers’ software problems are also your problems.”

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