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Clavister Launches Strong Authentication Solution with Clavister Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

June 2016 by Marc Jacob

Clavister has launched The Clavister MFA, a Multi Factor Authentication solution which combines The Clavister MFA Server, a mobile app Clavister Authenticator and an SMS-based One Time Password (OTP) service. This gives strong authentication for robust, secure access to corporate networks, protecting the identities of users, and ensuring that a user is who they claim to be.

Cyberthreats, risks, and vulnerabilities as well as changing business requirements result in the need for a strong authentication solution that is both easy to deploy, cost effective to operate and convenient to use. Clavister has addressed this requirement with Clavister MFA, an affordable solution that is designed to match all the key business requirements for strong authentication without adding administrative complexity.

The MFA Solution combines:

Server: the Clavister MFA Server keeps unauthorized individuals out of the corporate network. The Clavister MFA Server communicates with Clavister Next Generation Firewalls and User Directories, and tracks all the OTPs. Built into the Clavister MFA Server are several risk based authentication capabilities called ‘scenarios’. These scenarios enable IT managers to assign the right level of authentication based on who the user is; the type of service required; the resources being accessed or even what IP address or network they are currently using.
Authenticator: The Clavister Authenticator is a mobile app that works on Apple and Android phones. Once the employee starts the app, it generates a new One Time Password (OTP) every 30 seconds. Setting it up and preparing it to use is straightforward. The Clavister Authenticator is free to download from Apple App Store and Google Play, with no transactions costs.

SMS One Time Password Service: The SMS service works on a bundle package: a far lower-cost alternative to creating hard token-based implementation that is easier to use. The SMS-based OTP systems works on all devices, and requires no installation or significant configuration.

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