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Cisco Cybersecurity Report - Industry Comment

February 2018 by Kirill Kasavchenko, principal security technologist, EMEA at NETSCOUT Arbor

Cisco has just released its 2018 Annual Cybersecurity Report. What’re the implications of this research? Kirill Kasavchenko, principal security technologist, EMEA at NETSCOUT Arbor, comment:

“With processes and services increasingly shifting into the digital sphere, safeguarding networks against disruption is now critical for many organisations. For me and the NETSCOUT Arbor team, we are acutely aware that availability is everything. A website or server being knocked offline for just a few minutes can have far-reaching consequences. This is why we continuously seek to improve and evolve DDoS mitigation technologies and best practices.

“It’s great to see this Cisco report signal that security leaders are increasingly leveraging automated, machine learning, and AI technologies to defend against threats. We strongly believe that automation is a key for DDoS protection, not only from detection point of view, but also for provisioning and management of the service. In the advanced threat detection space, the shift to automation is also critical, however humans still play an active role due to complexity of the attacks. Machines are great at handling the initial detections, but we also need to be able to quickly understand the context of those detections so that we can establish how ‘real’ they are and what the next step should be.

“Despite the progress in the DDoS mitigation space, this research hammers home the reality of an expanding IoT population, and the difficult mismatch between the growing risk and awareness. Organisations are still failing to appreciate the very real risk these devices pose. Hackers are using IoT botnets to launch DDoS attacks of ever-increasing size, frequency and complexity, yet only 13% of organisations see IoT botnets as an imminent threat. We must all appreciate that IoT botnets could be lurking in wait – which is why every organisation must have a robust plan in place to quickly contain a DDoS attack if it happens.”

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