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BSO Announces Plans to Build Financial Cloud to Address Growing FX Market Needs in London, New York and Tokyo

June 2016 by Marc Jacob

BSO announces the company is adding Financial Cloud to its service portfolio to provide a unique and fully-integrated low latency network and cloud offering specifically engineered for the global financial community. The build will include the key FX marketplaces of London, New York and Tokyo with a presence in Equinix LD4, NY4 and TY3. The project will initially focus on LD4, with the plan to be fully functioning in Q4 2016.

BSO already offers established cloud services within Equinix NY9 in New York and Equinix PA3 and PA4 in Paris. In NY9, BSO has fault tolerant infrastructure to deliver VM, back up and storage.

The introduction of services in LD4 will allow BSO to further develop target cloud services for this financial hub and will also form the basis for a true dedicated FX cloud and network service across London, New York and Tokyo. The cloud is built on BSO’s recently announced ‘BSO-FX Ultra Low” FX circuit that includes access speeds of 63.3ms New York – London, 136ms New York – Tokyo and 156ms Tokyo – London.

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