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Healthcare sector dominates most targeted sector by ransomware in May - Blackfog State of Ransomware Report

June 2024 by Dr Darren Williams, CEO and Founder of Blackfog

Blackfog’s latest May “State of Ransomware” report has just been released, and the Healthcare sector continues to dominate the most targeted sector by ransomware, with 57 attacks, a 30% increase on April!
With a record 562 unreported attacks, and total of 65 reported attacks, this makes May the second highest month of the year so far, according to Darren Williams, CEO and Founder of Blackfog.

“May saw our second highest month of the year with a total of 65 reported attacks and a record 562 unreported attacks. The high number of unreported attacks meant our ratio of reported to unreported was also the highest of the year at 865%, or nearly 9 times the number of reported attacks.
From a sector perspective we saw the healthcare sector continue to dominate with a total of 57 attacks, an increase of 30% from last month. Closely followed was education, services and manufacturing sectors with increases of 29%, 28% and 24% respectively, with the government sector increasing by a modest 14% in comparison.
In terms of variants, LockBit continued to dominate in both reported and unreported attacks with increases of 32% and 82% respectively. We expect to see these numbers further impact the reported attacks in the coming months. This month we also saw a 29% increase in Medusa in terms of reported attacks.
Lastly, we saw the number of Powershell attacks increase to 51%, a 6% increase from last month, with 92% of all attacks involving some form of data exfiltration. China and Russia continued as the leading destinations of data exfiltration with 15% and 6% respectively.”

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