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EU AI Act quotes from IAPP

May 2024 by Joe Jones, Director of Research and Insights for the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and Ashley Casovan, Managing Director of the IAPP AI Governance Center

The EU AI Act has received the final green light from the Council and will be published in the coming days. The commentary from Joe Jones, Director of Research and Insights for the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and from Ashley Casovan, Managing Director of the IAPP AI Governance Center.

Joe Jones:
• “Now adopted, soon to enter into force, and long to influence the development and deployment of AI not just in the EU but around the world. Organisations that have been stalking and scoping the draft AI Act and what it means for them, will now be shifting gears for the ramp up to compliance. They do so against a dynamic regulatory forecast for the AI Act, which will be the subject of further implementation over the coming months and years, and more global initiatives from the Council of Europe, UN, and AI Safety Summits.” – Joe Jones, IAPP Research Director
• “Brussels gets it done again, with its latest marquee regulation joining the growing, maturing, and consequential initialed list of digital regulation, taking in the GDPR, DSA, DMA, and DGA to name a few.” – Joe Jones, IAPP Research Director

Ashley Casovan:
• "Europe has paved the way for a global set of rules for AI. These rules will help to ensure that AI will be developed in a safe and responsible manner that people can trust. While this is a significant achievement, now the real work begins. Professionals who are designing, developing, and overseeing AI now have a crucial role to play to ensure that the objectives of these rules are achieved."

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