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Diversified announced a partnership and trio of solutions with GroCyber

February 2024 by Marc Jacob

Diversified announced a partnership and trio of solutions with GroCyber. Together, the companies are empowering AV and media companies to improve their cybersecurity stance by providing a “clean bill of health” for their digital media environments, ensuring hardware and software are current, and protecting media storage and devices against the threat of malware.

The new Diversified-GroCyber cybersecurity solutions include:
• Cyber certification: For this offering, GroCyber works as the independent third party to test and certify that the broadcast environments and components of Diversified customers are operating in accordance with the NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF).
• Cyber hygiene and monitoring: This new Diversified managed service monitors the hardware and software at a business to ensure it has the latest security patches, configuration and access control – minimizing the enterprise’s cyber risk exposure.
• Vulnerability management: This new service provides guidance on how to create a secure architecture and performs scanning and penetration testing to identify and alert Diversified customers of vulnerabilities quickly so they can protect their media assets.

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