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Checkmarx launched Checkmarx SAST solution

February 2024 by Marc Jacob

Checkmarx has again delivered a groundbreaking application security solution with its new Checkmarx SAST solution. The next-generation Checkmarx SAST engine helps enterprise organizations secure their entire application footprints with both in-depth security to identify maximum risk and ultra-fast scanning to cover every application with minimum overhead and distraction.

Checkmarx SAST can now scan applications up to 90% faster, making it easier for AppSec teams to prioritise remediation of vulnerabilities by reducing false positives by up to 80%.

Application security (AppSec) leaders have long chosen Checkmarx for its in-depth scanning with accurate results. Now they can customise scans based on specific needs for each application and its criticality to the business. Mission-critical applications can be scanned with high customisation, ensuring that every vulnerability and especially those representing the highest risk are identified and prioritised. At the same time, developers can scan their applications faster, finding only actionable vulnerabilities with minimal false positives, thereby improving the developer experience.

First-generation SAST offerings force customers to choose between maximum risk reduction and ease or speed of use. Checkmarx SAST is the only solution to offer both in a single product, freeing enterprises to apply the right level of application security to every application. Fast and easy scanning lets them expand coverage to every application while in-depth scans find and remediate every risk within their most critical applications.

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