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Zscaler, Inc. establishes new goal to reach net Zero for 2025

September 2022 by Marc Jacob

Zscaler, Inc. announced that it has achieved carbon neutral status for 2022 and has set a new goal to reach net zero emissions by 2025. These significant milestones build on Zscaler’s recent success of reaching 100% renewable energy across its global offices and 150 distributed data centres that operate the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange™ security cloud, the largest inline security cloud in the world. The new net zero goal and continued support for renewable energy demonstrate Zscaler’s commitment to mitigating global climate change and support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Zscaler achieved its carbon neutral status for calendar year 2022 through a combination of renewable energy credits (RECs) and carbon offset purchases, matching its projected electricity consumption and carbon emissions, respectively. Efforts included working with an external third-party on a verified carbon inventory methodology and quantifying total emissions.

Zscaler addressed scope 2 emissions by updating its data center selection process to incorporate renewable energy usage criteria. Zscaler then purchased RECs that support local wind and solar projects. Scope 1 and broader scope 3 emissions from offices, business travel, and procurement along with customer and public cloud usage, were offset through permanent and additional carbon credits from third-party verified projects.

Zscaler recognises the urgent need to mitigate its climate impact today through the use of high-quality offsets and believes that further reductions are necessary. Looking forward, the company will aim to develop pathways towards net zero emissions that are aligned with climate science by critically evaluating its operations and working with suppliers to further environmental impact reductions.

Customers leveraging the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange™ can have the confidence that they are working with a partner that supports building business resilience, enabling work from anywhere, and unlocking innovation. By partnering with Zscaler, businesses of all sizes also benefit from reducing their impact on the planet – retiring costly legacy security appliances and moving security services to an inherently more efficient Zero Trust architecture. In committing to a net zero goal, Zscaler continues to align closely with their customers’ values – working towards creating a better, more secure future together.

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