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Websense and Context Optional Drive Social Media Security

March 2011 by Marc Jacob

Websense TRITON Defensio and Context Optional’s Social Marketing Suite make it safer and more
productive for companies and brands to use Facebook.

With more than 500 million active users, Facebook is
incredibly effective for engaging customers and recruiting top talent. But just more than half—about 60
percent—of the Fortune 500 have a strategic presence on Facebook. The other 40 percent have been
holding back, largely because corporate use of social media sites can lead to the following hazards:

1. Employee use of social media can harm productivity, is an entry point for malware, and is a
channel for losing confidential corporate information.

2. Corporate social media pages can host comments that destroy the company brand image (with
content that is malicious, spammy, or inappropriate).

3. Manually moderating corporate social media properties to ensure that content is appropriate
and safe for fans takes too much time and is not scalable.
Websense research has found that nearly 40 percent of Facebook status updates have links and 10
percent of those links contain either spam or malware.
Websense helps companies overcome these obstacles by enhancing security and productivity on the
social Web itself. Websense® TRITON™ Defensio™ is a uniquely powerful tool in the industry that helps
reduce security risks, productivity loss, and legal liability by being in the fabric of the social Web and
analyzing and classifying user-generated content that is posted to corporate and personal websites,
blogs, user forums, and social networking sites. Unlike other security offerings,

TRITON Defensio’s
presence “inside the gate” of Facebook gives it a huge security advantage in detecting and eliminating
even the most sophisticated social attacks. With TRITON Defensio, Websense goes beyond simply
classifying Facebook as a “social networking site” to classify the actual content on the pages and
determine what is or is not acceptable across 95 content categories.

TRITON Defensio automatically removes unsavory content and protects fans and brand reputation alike.
Futhermore, by automating this task, marketing and security teams who previously had to remove each
piece of comment spam by hand, and investigate every URL in a comment or post for security threats,
can now spend time engaging fans and customers on the social Web. TRITON Defensio’s automated,
real-time process provides real-world brand reputation and liability “insurance” against malicious or
inappropriate content.

On the heels of the latest TRITON Defensio release at DEMO Spring 2011, Websense is partnering with
social marketing company Context Optional to extend TRITON Defensio availability for enterprises
seeking to leverage a social Web presence for their business. Context Optional provides tools and
services for enterprises to build, manage, and measure brand presence on social networking platforms
such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Context Optional will offer TRITON Defensio as a premium
solution within its Social Marketing Suite to protect brand reputation by analyzing, identifying, and
automatically removing profane or inappropriate posts, spam, and malicious links on Facebook Pages.
Through their Social Marketing Suite, Context Optional makes it easy for enterprises to launch highly
engaging applications, monitor and moderate community conversations, and analyze the results for
long-term impact.

TRITON Defensio is powered by Websense Advanced Classification Engine (ACE), which is integrated into
the ThreatSeeker™ Network and benefits all users of Websense TRITON solutions. The content seen and
blocked along with the intelligence gathered from tens of thousands of blogs, millions of weekly
comments, and tens of millions of URLs by TRITON Defensio with ACE is shared in real-time through the
ThreatSeeker network to all Websense users. As a result, Websense protects its customers from
emerging threats and malicious content before they spread beyond the social Web and trick traditional
security offerings.

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