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Utimaco announces it has partnered with Episode Six

October 2023 by Marc Jacob

Utimaco announces it has partnered with Episode Six (E6), a global provider of enterprise-grade payment processing and digital ledger infrastructure, to support its worldwide service with Utimaco’s MYHSM Payment HSM-as-a-Service solution.

Utimaco’s MYHSM solution provides Payment Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) as a Fully Managed Service, offering an alternative to purchasing, managing and hosting HSMs on-premises, with a globally accessible subscription service.

The MYHSM solution has now been integrated with E6’s cloud-based TRITIUM® platform enabling it to expand into new territories with a sensitivity to in-region needs, and to increase capacity as needed to meet changing demand.

This makes it an ideal solution for E6 and their end-customers of all sizes across different regions, from small startups to large enterprises, allowing them to simplifying their payment ecosystems and focus on their core businesses while Utimaco’s MYHSM Payment HSM-as-a-Service handles the complexities of payment security, reduces cost and enhances security.

Together, Utimaco’s MYHSM solution and E6’s card issuing and processing service provide businesses with a comprehensive and secure payment solution that is flexible, customizable, and innovative. Businesses can choose the modules and features they need from E6 to create a payment solution that meets their specific requirements, while also benefiting from the highest level of security and compliance that Utimaco provides.

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