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SIRP Labs Named Leader for Incident Response Software in G2’s Momentum Grid

June 2020 by Marc Jacob

SIRP Labs has been recognized by G2 as a leader in its 2020 Momentum Grid for incident response software. The G2 Momentum Grid shows the growth trajectory that products have had in their respective spaces over the last year. The Momentum Grid identifies products that are on a high-growth trajectory based on user satisfaction scores, employee growth, and digital presence.

G2 Momentum Grid placement reflects SIRP’s overall company growth and commitment to excellence in customer satisfaction, support and ease of use. “We are thrilled that we have been recognized by G2 as Momentum Leader,” said Faiz Shuja, Co-Founder & CEO of SIRP Labs. “The results are a tribute to our hard work and commitment to providing the highest quality service and support for all our customers.”

SIRP Labs was rated joint leader for customer satisfaction and number one for ease of use.

In the sub-categories of ease of administration and ease of doing business with SIRP rated a remarkable 10 out of 10 and 100 percent respectively. Additionally, it scored 99% for Quality of Support and 98% for Ease of Setup.

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