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Reduce Security Risks To Your Network – Khipu Can Cure!

June 2010 by Marc Jacob

These 2 factors alone can control many IT Departments priorities when dealing with Network security. However, often “Murphy’s Law” dictates that the cost of not taking action may be considerably more than the initial outlay.

Khipu Networks, a security solutions provider, have a unique offering that enables organisations to not only secure their networks but also provide complete visibility, control and management of every device connected into them. The solution cannot guarantee a virus will never be seen again, but it can ensure the impact is reduced, quickly controlled and rectified within hours (and not days), with minimal IT resources required.

Recently a large University campus experienced the unfortunate attack of a virus crippling their network and causing IT staff to shut it down. Staff had to manually vet machines are safe and updated before they can connect to the network. Staff and students have been considerably disrupted for hours and some for days, services affected included the residential / campus data networks and the VoIP network.

Perhaps even worse, it could all happen again tomorrow with another vulnerability!

Khipu Networks deliver unique solutions which provide far more benefit than purely reducing the impact of a virus attack. One of their most common solutions is the integration between Adaptive Network Security and Threat Prevention technologies. With over 150 customers who have already seen the benefit of their solutions – Can you afford not to be one of them?

The Khipu Networks “Cure” is based on the latest solution from Bradford Networks (Adaptive Network Security) which provides the following benefits:-

Security and Protection of your "internal network"
Registration / Management of all "unmanaged" student devices
Endpoint Compliance (Latest patches, anti-virus, anti-spyware etc)
Visibility of who is online / offline / location / time / IP and MAC details
Visibility of ALL devices on the network, whether you want to manage them or not
Ability to control / isolate / remediate vulnerable devices automatically
Protection against rogue devices
Protection against "at risk" devices
Minimal IT Resource Required

In addition, Khipu’s solution can integrate with a range of 3rd party devices that you may have already invested into such as; Threat Prevention, Network Behavioural Analysis (NBA) or Intrusion Protection Systems (IPS). This integration can provide additional security and confidence of your network:-

Security and Protection of your internal Network Security and Protection from WWW attacks into your network.
Ability to detect, react and protect from known threats
Ability to detect, react and protect from unknown threats
Ability to isolate the bad devices from the network whilst not affecting good devices ‘automatically’ with no IT support team intervention
24x7x365 automatic protection of your network
Automatically isolating devices wherever they exist on the network.
Full auditing and logging
Minimal IT Resource Required

These solutions can be implemented into any network, quickly, cost effectively and provide immediate and long term protection of your network and devices.

Perhaps now would be a good time to discuss what Khipu Networks can do to reduce the risks to your network even if you don’t think you have the budget or immediate requirement...You may even learn something new!

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