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Neterra is listed as one of the key data center investors in Europe

May 2023 by Marc Jacob

The ranking is part of research made by Arizton, a consulting company which does large-scale market analysis and reports

Neterra has been recognized as one of the "Prominent Data Center Investors" in Europe alongside names such as Amazon Web Services, Facebook (Meta), Equinix, Google, Microsoft, NTT Global Data Centers, Orange Business Services, etc.

The ranking is part of a research made by Arizton Advisory and Intelligence titled "The European Data Center Construction Market - Industry Outlook and Forecast 2023-2028".
With nearly 30 years of experience in the global telecommunications market, Neterra is a trusted provider of data center solutions and global connectivity for both the world’s largest companies and small and medium-sized businesses.

The company owns 4 data centers and provides first-class colocation, fast and secure connectivity, energy-efficient cooling systems, top-notch equipment, servers, and support from a professional team 24*7.

Neterra’s data centers operate under the brand Sofia Data Center - SDC. Two of them are in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, on a common campus. They are built and equipped in accordance with the highest standards in the industry and provide their customers with connectivity with the largest telecom operators in the world.

SDC Stolnik is part of Data Center Park Stolnik - the largest data center and telecommunications hub in Southeastern Europe. It offers unlimited colocation space and power, as well as specially designed crypto-mining rooms.

SDC Ruse is the main point of presence of BFOR - the shortest optical route between Romania and Turkey. With its strategic location and reliable redundant connectivity, SDC Ruse is a suitable alternative to prevent the interruption of essential business processes during disasters and accidents.

Through its data centers and already-established global network of more than 200 points of presence in more than 65 countries, Neterra provides a broad portfolio of services. Companies trust telecom for international connectivity, guaranteed business internet (DIA), global peering, DDoS protection, data center services, rental servers, cloud solutions and more.

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