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Mimecast comments on growing legislation

December 2022 by Jonathan Miles Head of Strategic Intelligence and Security Research Mimecast

The geopolitical landscape is constantly changing, and a rise in Cybercriminals using geopolitical events as an opportunity to conduct a variety of cyberattacks, ransomware included, has become a worrisome trend; now the UK government think the time to act is now. Below is a comment from Jonathan Miles, Head of Strategic Intelligence and Security Research Mimecast, on how increased legislation is now expected.

 “It’s no surprise that the UK government is looking into the national security strategy around ransomware, following cyberattacks occurring during geopolitical events such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Cybercriminals often use significant geopolitical events as an opportunity to conduct a variety of cyberattacks, ransomware included. Because of this, geopolitical events must be considered as part of cybersecurity at a national security level. With the Increase in cyber domain concerns we will now start to see a an increase in legislation and regulatory activity especially in cyber insurance markets. Just today it was announced by the government that essential everyday services, such as water, energy, and transport will have to ensure their outsourced IT suppliers adhere to set security standards.


Nearly every successful cyberattack is caused by human error, including clicking on an unsafe or disclosing sensitive information. Educating people on cyber threats and increasing cyber hygiene can prevent successful attacks and the financial and emotional hardship they create. To counter this growing problem, the UK needs a sustained national public awareness campaign to inform, educate and mobilise the UK public against an increasing pandemic of cybercrime."



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