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Mark43 continues to put security and reliability first, achieving premier StateRAMP “In Process” Service Provider designation

January 2023 by Marc Jacob

Mark43 announced that it has achieved State Risk and Authorization Management Program (StateRAMP) “In Process” designation, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to the highest levels of security controls in its cloud-native public safety technology platform. This designation verifies Mark43’s rigorous security posture and industry-leading standards of compliance and application monitoring. Mark43 expects to reach full StateRAMP authorization later this year through the “Fast Track” process. This is a special process specifically designed for cloud providers like Mark43 that have received a FedRAMP Provisional Authority to Operate (P-ATO).

The StateRAMP program provides a standardized approach to security and risk assessment for cloud technologies like the Mark43 Public Safety Platform. It is a multi-state program that is designed to help state and local agencies access the benefits of cloud computing while ensuring compliance with strict security protocols. A growing number of states and higher educational institutions are joining StateRAMP, allowing for all members to set a single overarching criteria for providers serving governments to verify their security posture and prove their cybersecurity compliance. The comprehensive process to become listed on the StateRAMP Authorized Product List includes an in-depth examination of Mark43’s standards and procedures surrounding security and governance. Built on Amazon Web Services (AWS) GovCloud, Mark43 will continue to provide the industry-leading security controls available for public safety customers.

Mark43 continues to invest in the highest-caliber security controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of government data. This StateRAMP “In Process” designation builds on Mark43’s existing security program which includes SOC 2 and SOC 3 certifications, demonstrating its unwavering focus on public sector law enforcement customers. Mark43’s StateRAMP High “In Process” designation is now listed on the StateRAMP Progressing Product List of Vendors.

The StateRAMP “In Process” Service Provider designation comes as Mark43 has made significant achievements in the federal marketplace, most recently achieving the FedRAMP High “In Process” designation. Mark43 is one of the few public safety technology companies to have attained this security and compliance designation.

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