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Jesper-Zerlang, LogPoint: the acquisition of SecBI announced will add SOAR and XDR capabilities to our solution

September 2021 by Marc Jacob

LogPoint has just acquired Secbi, with the aim of reinforcing the capacities of SOAR and XDR capabilities. On this occasion, we were able to interview its CEO Jesper-Zerlang in exclusivity.

Global Security Mag: Can you introduce your company in few words?

Jesper-Zerlang : LogPoint is a European cyber security company delivering an integrated, foundational security operations platform including SIEM and UEBA. We protect organizations and accelerate detection and response to cybersecurity threats. By acquiring agileSI from Orange Cyberdefense in 2019, we added SAP security to the portfolio, and the acquisition of SecBI announced today will add SOAR and XDR capabilities to our solution. We’re headquartered in Copenhagen and have a solid presence in with a strategic focus on France led from our Paris office.

Global Security Mag: You have just acquired SecBI, what are your goals?

Jesper-Zerlang : This acquisition will further expand LogPoint’s capabilities by adding playbook-based automation that accelerates cyber threat detection and response. SecBI’s universal SOAR and XDR platform will integrate natively with LogPoint and further deliver on our mission to revolutionize the customer cyber resiliency by simplifying the difficult job of security operations through innovation.

Global Security Mag: What are the strong points of this company?

Jesper-Zerlang : SecBI is a disruptive player in automated cyber threat detection and response, founded on proven domain expertise, technological ingenuity, large-scale operational experience, and hands-on experience. The addition of the proven SecBI technology and the fantastic SecBI team based in Tel Aviv, is a significant step forward for LogPoint in delivering our XDR-enabled operations platform, giving our partners and customers one of the most innovative, intuitive, and proven solutions available.

Global Security Mag: How does SecBI’s products interface with your solutions?

Jesper-Zerlang : SecBI built their SOAR and XDR platform to be vendor-agnostic and integrate with any SIEM solution. This accelerates the integration into the LogPoint technology stack and allows us to immediately provide tremendous value to our current and future customers. This integration will allow customers to very quickly launch automated notifications and security remediations using our new, full-native SOAR capabilities, with XDR capabilities being introduced in the nearest future.

Global Security Mag: How will your new solutions be better at fighting cyberthreats?

Jesper-Zerlang : The acquisition will enable customers to eliminate false positives and automate incident response. Together, these comprehensive, complementary platforms will automate repetitive tasks, orchestrate threat remediation workflows, and autonomously investigate, prioritize, and execute playbooks that reduce human involvement — allowing analysts to focus on real threats to protect organizations better.

Global Security Mag: What is your roadmap for the next few months?

Jesper-Zerlang : With the rapid integration of SecBI SOAR and XDR technology, LogPoint will take another major step in solving the complex cybersecurity challenges that customers face today. We will announce the roadmap for the integration within the next couple of weeks. Still, I expect that we will offer our customers SOAR capabilities almost immediately and have full integration into the LogPoint solution launched before the end of the year.

Global Security Mag: What is your message to our readers?

Jesper-Zerlang : Cybersecurity needs to be taken more serious within all organisations. Make it a strategic priority, and think about cybersecurity as an integrated element of your business strategy. Think about how you’re going to handle the increasing number of threats affecting any organization daily, and start leveraging Machine Learning and automation to accelerate your detection and response. Last but not least. Consider a European SIEM provider that values privacy, is serious about the security of our own solution, and provides a transparent and predictable pricing model that does not force you to scale down cybersecurity for financial reasons.

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