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Howard A. Schmidt named (ISC)2 Security Strategist

March 2008 by Marc Jacob

(ISC)2® (“ISC-squared”), the non-profit global in educating and certifying information security professionals throughout their careers, today announced that information security industry veteran Prof. Howard A. Schmidt, CISSP, has been named (ISC)2 Security Strategist by the board of directors, a role that will include providing expert commentary on current information security issues, as well as representing (ISC)2 at events and conferences around the world.

An (ISC)2 board member since 2004, Schmidt has had a long and distinguished career in defence, law enforcement and corporate security spanning almost 40 years. Previous positions include serving as special adviser for cyberspace security to the White House and vice chair of President Bush’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board; vice president and chief information security officer (CISO) for eBay; CISO and chief security officer (CSO) for Microsoft Corp., where he formed and directed the Trustworthy Computing Security Strategies Group; and serving as chief security strategist for the US CERT Partners Program for the National Cyber Security Division, Department of Homeland Security. He currently serves as the international president of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA).

Schmidt will focus on information security workforce issues, educating business, governments and the public-at-large on the role and nature of the information security profession as a key element in protecting infrastructure, the need for security education and awareness, and the importance of information security certification. He will also be available to offer his unique insights into the most pressing security issues of the day.

Schmidt is also a noted speaker and author, penning such books as the Black Book on Corporate Security (co-author) and Patrolling CyberSpace, Lessons Learned from a Lifetime in Data Security. He has held positions on numerous corporate and government boards, testified before Congressional committees on computer security and cyber crime, and been instrumental in the creation of several public and private partnerships and information-sharing initiatives.

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