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HELPLINE launches Size Up Consulting and extends its offerings

June 2023 by Marc Jacob

HELPLINE, the European expert in user experience, officially announces the creation of Size Up Consulting, a new entity that will broaden and strengthen its range of services in the strategic field of enterprise data exploitation and management.

Size Up Consulting already has a team of 200 employees, and plans to recruit around fifty more by the end of 2023.

Creating value through Data
Today, data exploitation must be omnipresent and at all levels of a company in order to create value and make Data a key competitive asset. Size Up Consulting supports its customers from the implementation of a data-centric strategy to the use of predictive maintenance, via real-time data processing, in order to meet the major challenges of Data in a sovereign environment:
 Data quality: a key prerequisite for making intelligent use of data, producing reliable predictive analyses and consistent reporting.
 A "data-driven" culture: in other words, infusing a data culture within the organisation so that its potential can be deployed in the day-to-day lives of employees.
 Data governance: to facilitate the storage and use of data while meeting regulatory requirements on traceability and data protection.
 Data exploitation: successfully transforming raw data into usable information to obtain relevant and useful analyses.
Size Up Consulting is involved at every stage of its customers’ projects, helping them to make the most of their data and improve their performance in a number of strategic areas:
 Gain a better understanding of their market to develop their business
 Refine their knowledge of their customers and detect their new needs
 Build customer loyalty through more personalised experiences
 Optimising production and improving competitiveness
 Facilitating decision-making via BI (Business Intelligence) tools

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