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Guy Bunker, Symantec: Companies Exposed from Inadequate Disaster Recovery Planning and Testing

October 2007 by Guy Bunker, Symantec

Inadequate Disaster Recovery Planning and Testing - Symantec
today announced the findings of an international study indicating that
while 91 percent of IT organisations carry out full scenario testing of
their disaster recovery plans incorporating relevant people, processes
and technologies, nearly 50 percent of those tests fail. This means that
one in two UK organisations is not equipped to handle events, such as
natural disasters, computer system failures and external computer

Nearly Half Executed Disaster Recovery Plan - Nearly half of IT
organisations surveyed have had to execute their company’s disaster
recovery plans. The research findings show that 48 percent of
organisations have had to execute disaster recovery plans and 44 percent surveyed without a disaster recovery plan experienced one problem or
disaster, while 26 percent experience two or more, and 11 percent
experienced three or more.

CEO’s Not Taking Active Role in Disaster Planning - 69 percent
of respondents were concerned about their company’s brand and
reputation, 65 percent feared harm to overall customer loyalty, 65
percent were concerned with the impact to their competitive standing,
while 64 percent were worried about losing company data in the wake of
disasters. Despite this 77 percent of CEOs surveyed are still failing to
take an active role on disaster planning committees.

Natural Disasters Top Concern Prompting Creation of Disaster
Recovery Plan -Concerns that prompted IT organisations to create a
disaster recovery plan included 69 percent citing natural disasters, 57
percent naming virus attacks and 31 percent specifying war and/or

Exposure to IT-specific Threats - 67 percent surveyed cited
computer failure and 57 percent named external computer threats, while
89 percent agreed upon acceptable levels of risk with non-IT business
executives in their organisation, only 33 percent have done so for all
the threats to which they feel exposed.

"IT executives are taking a fresh, hard look at their disaster recovery
and business continuity strategies. To protect against downtime,
organisations must implement high availability and disaster recovery
across their enterprise environments. They must also maintain procedures
for non-disruptive disaster recovery testing that continually evaluate
the effectiveness of their disaster recovery strategy without impacting
the production environment. Symantec addresses these critical demands
through a broad range of industry-leading services and solutions for
heterogeneous environments."

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