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Fraud Awareness Week - Expert commentary from Jumio

November 2023 by Philipp Pointner, Chief of Digital Identity at Jumio

The commentary from Philipp Pointner, Chief of Digital Identity at Jumio, highlighting the timeliest concern threating the financial and societal well-being of organizations and their users this Fraud Awareness Week: Generative AI. Jumio is helping secure over 50M identities among brands like United, HSBC, TripAdvisor and others.

influential figures online, but as hackers turn AI into a weapon to steal people’s identities, how long before we become a target?

“Fraud Awareness Week is a timely reminder of the growing threat of AI-generated identity theft tactics like deepfakes. After all, you can change your password, but not your biometrics.

By now many of us have seen deepfakes of celebrities or influential figures online, but as hackers turn this technology into a weapon to steal identities, it’s only a matter of time before we become a target. As fraudulent AI-generated content is increasingly used to engage in identity theft, spread misinformation on major platforms and wreak havoc on businesses and their users, it is critical for businesses to deploy strategies enabling the better detection of deepfakes, including visual and audio clues to tools that can automatically spot synthetic identities and misinformation.

By staying educated and aware of the most effective strategies to deter advancing AI-enabled identity attacks, organizations can mitigate fraudulent content, and better protect users from fraud.”

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