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Finjan Positioned in Visionaries Quadrant in Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateway 2008

September 2008 by Marc Jacob

Finjan Inc., a provider of secure web gateway solutions for the enterprise market, today announced that that it has been positioned by Gartner, Inc., the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company, in the "Visionaries" quadrant of the research firm’s "Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateway, 2008" report published on September 11, 2008 (written by: Peter Firstbrook and Lawrence Orans). This report evaluates 21 vendors and focuses on Secure Web Gateway solutions to protect Web-surfing PCs from infection and to enforce company policies.

“We believe our position in the “visionaries” quadrant by Gartner is confirmation of our ability to provide enterprises with Secure Web Gateway solutions based on our unique differentiation, our patented real-time content inspection technology," said Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CTO of Finjan. "Organizations recognize the need for proactive “zero day” crimeware prevention as evangelized by Finjan since its inception in 1996. Our success stems from our ability to analyze inbound and outbound Web content in real time, regardless of its format or source. Finjan’s real-time code analysis technology scans a broad array of Web content for malicious intent in real time.”

Real-time crimeware filtering is a critical component of a Secure Web Gateway as the internet and Web have become major infection channels.

1. Gartner, Inc., "Magic Quadrant for Secure Web Gateway, 2008" by Peter Firstbrook and Lawrence Orans, September 11, 2008

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