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Exela Technologies Meets Renowned German IT Security Standard, “TR-Resiscan”

July 2023 by Marc Jacob

Exela Technologies, Inc announced today that the Company has obtained the highest-level certification from the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (“BSI”), the country’s Federal Office for Information Security, TR-Resiscan.

The BSI is Germany’s IT Security authority, providing information security guidance and promoting secure practices across industry. It also publishes guidelines, standards, and recommendations for the protection of information technology systems and critical infrastructure; covering areas such as encryption algorithms, network security, data protection and incident response, to help organisations improve their cybersecurity.

By complying with the BSI guidelines, Exela takes a proactive approach to potential risks and vulnerabilities in its IT systems and guarantees its customers the highest possible integrity of the digitization processes. This guarantees an unchangeable and secure transition from the analog to the digital level without loss of information.

Meeting the highest market standards
This is a substantial achievement for Exela as the BSI is the highest level of recognition in Germany, a market with very demanding data protection laws. Compliance demonstrates due diligence and adherence to recognised standards required by regulations such as the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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