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DocuSign Launches WhatsApp

November 2023 by Marc Jacob

DocuSign announced the launch of WhatsApp Delivery, allowing users to close deals faster by using the world’s most popular messaging platform. The latest expansion in allowing customers to seamlessly reach signers through their preferred communication platforms, the DocuSign eSignature integration of WhatsApp sends users real-time notifications that link directly to agreements and enable quick, secure signing.

British consumers increasingly rely on their mobile devices for both personal and business communication. As consumer habits shift, speed and convenience is more important than ever before. Businesses must invest in modern, flexible solutions that expedite transactions and give signers choice in how they want to receive information and sign contracts.

Key benefits of WhatsApp Delivery include:
● Increased Transaction Speed: Users can deliver real-time notifications to signer’s mobile devices with a direct link to complete a document. In comparative analysis, agreements delivered via WhatsApp are signed nearly 7x faster than those sent via email.
● Expanded Reach: The addition of WhatsApp broadens the spectrum, ensuring that its more than 2 billion users in more than 180 countries, can use eSignature to connect with nearly any signer using the mobile messaging platform.
● Enhanced User Experience: By offering another mobile-friendly method to process agreements, we’re giving users more choice and flexibility. Embedding alerts natively into the messaging application makes the signing process more convenient than ever.
● Prioritized Privacy: DocuSign protects highly confidential information by encrypting and making every document tamper-evident. WhatsApp’s leading privacy features provide additional reliability, ensuring notifications are always delivered securely.

This announcement builds on DocuSign’s multi-channel delivery strategy following the introduction of SMS Delivery earlier this year. Many people are inundated with emails, resulting in slower turnaround times and lower response rates. Of all DocuSign eSignature agreements delivered via WhatsApp, more than 50% are completed in 15 minutes or less. Sharing agreements via alternate modalities can dramatically accelerate the speed of transactions, enabling signers to quickly open and electronically sign documents wherever they are.

Availability: WhatsApp Delivery will be sold globally as part of the Multi-Channel Delivery offering. This add-on will be available to eSignature customers in Standard and above.

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