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DigiCert Acquires IoT Cybersecurity Provider Mocana

January 2022 by Marc Jacob

DigiCert, Inc., a provider of TLS/SSL, IoT and other PKI solutions, backed by Clearlake Capital Group. L.P. (“Clearlake”), Crosspoint Capital, and TA Associates, announced that it has acquired Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity provider Mocana. The combination of DigiCert and Mocana technologies provides IoT manufacturers and operators with a comprehensive platform for managing security across the full IoT device lifecycle. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

The acquisition strategically accelerates DigiCert’s presence in the fast-growing IoT market. IDC estimates there will be more than 55 billion connected devices by 2025, with growth fueled by organizational investment in IoT platforms for achieving operational efficiency, digital transformation and competitive differentiation.

The combination of DigiCert and Mocana provides customers with a means to manage device identity, secure connections, prevent device tampering, and update firmware and settings remotely and securely once in the field. This end-to-end platform reduces security vulnerabilities and enables digital transformation that is made possible from information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) convergence.

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