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Comments from Fujitsu - retailers dodging cyber attack costs

November 2014 by Fujitsu

Following the news that US banks are accusing retailers of dodging costs when cleaning up cyber-attacks, please see below comments from Fujitsu:

With the scale and cost of data breaches increasing rapidly it’s no surprise that banks are getting frustrated with paying for most of the bill. This news should be seen as more evidence that businesses, and retailers in particular, need to be developing their security in line with the threats they face.

Given that consumer tolerance for data loss is at an all-time low, and that the threat landscape is developing at an increasing rate also, remaining reactive to security challenges is no longer sufficient. Businesses should look to create a strategic approach to security that allows them to analyse the threats that the business actually faces, and look at ways to develop a proactive stance to dealing with those threats in a flexible and consistent manner before breaches and security incidents occur. Responding to a breach or incident will always remain a key function of the security organisation, however it should not lead to knee jerk reaction and “distress purchases” which treat a symptom rather than the underlying issue.

This is where industry expertise can help by bringing ideas together and supporting the development of these capabilities in a way that allows the organisation to focus on its primary goals and on driving the business forward. It is also where collaboration and information sharing, both within and across vertical markets can be valuable.

 Rob Lay, Solutions Architect for Enterprise and Cyber Security, UK & Ireland for Fujitsu

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