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Comment: ’Increasingly Sophisticated Ransomware Attacks’ prompt joint alert from UK, US and Australia

February 2022 by Joseph Carson, Chief Security Scientist at Delinea

Following the news has just emerged that a joint alert from UK, US and Australia has been raised, warning the impact of critical infrastructure with potentially “devastating consequences”, the comment Joseph Carson, Chief Security Scientist at Delinea:

“Cybercriminals are targeting organizations where it hurts most and that’s financially, which is why ransomware will continue to evolve and become the primary cyber risk.? The threat of not having access to your data or your sensitive data being spread around the internet can hurt companies financially or expose them to other legal battles such as foul play or regulatory fines.?

In the current world of remote working, ransomware continues to target employees remotely, and worse still, critical supply chains as that will not only affect one single company but all companies using that service. “

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