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Asigra Introduces Tigris Data Protection with CDR

September 2022 by Marc Jacob

Asigra Inc. announced the general of Tigris Data Protection software with CDR (Content Disarm & Reconstruction). The addition of CDR to Asigra’s comprehensive suite of security features make it the most security-forward backup and recovery software platform on the market.

According to the 2022 Verizon Business Data Breach Investigation’s Report, “This has been an unprecedented year in cybersecurity history, shedding light on some of the leading issues affecting the international security landscape. Of particular concern is the alarming rise in ransomware breaches, which increased by 13 percent in a single year – representing a jump greater than the past five years combined.”

To address the ransomware threat, which now puts both primary and backup data at significant risk, Asigra Tigris Data Protection software now incorporates CDR for advanced protection against deeply embedded malware. The latest breed of ransomware embeds malicious code deep within content files that are often nested and zipped. Cybercriminals understand that antimalware can’t scan what it can’t see, so utilizing deeply embedded code allows them to evade antimalware. The new security capability, CDR, deconstructs supported files into its smallest components to determine if there is malicious code, macros, links, or executables embedded within. After filtering and quarantining the malware, CDR rebuilds the original file without the malware. The technology outperforms predictive detection-based methods by removing any potential payload threats embedded deep within each file. The new CDR functionality guarantees the integrity of the files by retaining file functionality and authenticity without the malicious code.

Asigra CDR is an industry-first for the backup space and includes the following capabilities:

• Backup/recovery stream scans for potentially malicious or unauthorized content embedded within files (macros, scripts, etc.).
• Flexible operation with user-defined policies (filter, remove and block).
• Powerful and fast inline scanning with the ability to break down each archive/file into its smallest components, cleanse the data and re-constitute in-stream as clean, recoverable data.
• Bidirectional scanning, allowing CDR scanning of all files prior to encryption and delivery to the backup repository, as well as CDR scanning during recovery, prior to the files re-entering the production network. This is accomplished by policy-based execution to act on potentially dangerous objects.

Asigra Tigris is the first data protection platform of its kind that truly converges backup and enterprise grade cybersecurity, creating new levels of cooperation between data protection and security professionals. Asigra’s unique security architecture now includes bidirectional antimalware scanning with inline detection on both the backup and recovery streams, zero-day exploit protection, Deep MFA (multi-factor authentication), variable repository naming to non-standard names to prevent recognition and encryption/deletion, soft-delete enablement, FIPS 140-2 certified encryption, and now bidirectional CDR. Combined, these features provide an unparalleled multi-layered security stack that proactively hunts malware and provides advanced security technologies to protect backup data, a company’s last line of defense.

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