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Verizon Business Receives ‘Positive’ Rating in MarketScope Report for Global Remote Support Services

November 2008 by Marc Jacob

Verizon Business has received a “Positive” rating from leading industry analyst firm Gartner Inc. in its inaugural report, “MarketScope for Remote Support Services (Global).”

The report, which focuses on “the remote technical support of various IT services that are related to infrastructure support from global delivery sites,” evaluated 26 global and regional service providers for their remote support functions, including database administration, enterprise resource planning (ERP), operation support, help desk services, technical support for mainframes and other functions. To be included in the report, the service provider must have a minimum of $10 million in global revenue as well as meet Gartner’s rigorous criteria used to evaluate and rate the effectiveness and consistency of services delivered by each provider. These include market understanding, customer experience, product/service offerings and geographic strategy.

Michael Marcellin, vice president of product marketing for Verizon Business, said, “In today’s global, distributed business world, Verizon Business is at the forefront of how information technology is delivered and supported. We believe this rating demonstrates Verizon Business’ commitment to and strong track record for delivering IT services globally while helping customers to be more agile and control costs.”

According to Gartner, “with major drivers to reduce cost and institute efficiency gains in operating infrastructure environments, Gartner is seeing a major shift in the way these services (traditionally delivered locally) can now be remotely supported. … Over time, with the increased demand, we expect that the service offerings [offered by vendors] will further delineate.”

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