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CYBONET launches comprehensive cyber security solution for SMEs

September 2017 by Marc Jacob

CYBONET has announced the release of its newest cyber security solution, Cybowall, a threat detection and response platform engineered for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Combining both affordability and functionality, Cybowall provides organizations with a single security tool that delivers those capabilities necessary to identify and respond not only to active threats, but also to potential vulnerabilities within the network.

Smaller organizations are often at pains to justify security oriented IT spending, as technology managers struggle to quantify the ROI and clearly communicate the threat landscape to business owners. A recent study conducted by the Ponemon Institute of small and medium-sized enterprises found that with the increase in malware attacks, only 13% of the respondents said they felt prepared to prevent a malware attack, and a staggering 51% of the respondents claimed to have already experienced a ransomware attack - though many of these organizations had not reported it for fear of damaging their reputation.

Cybowall is a non-intrusive, agentless solution that provides complete and continuous monitoring of an SME’s network across all protocols and extending to all endpoints. The solution ensures full network visibility and protects networks in real time by detecting and reacting to threats as they arise. Cybowall enables organizations to quickly detect potential vulnerabilities and active breaches; automatically respond to threats as they are discovered; manage and report on compliance (GDPR, PCI-DSS, ISO and other standards); and record and analyze all events and incidents within the network for further investigation.

Cybowall empowers smaller organizations by combining multiple cybersecurity tools in one affordable solution. The solution utilizes a multi-vector approach and correlates network and end user data from multiple sources to provide insight into endpoint tampering and malware.

Cybowall leverages network and endpoint detection of Advanced Persistent Threats and deploys network trap decoy technology to identify malicious lateral movement and trap attackers that have breached perimeter defenses. In addition, integrated asset mapping, vulnerability assessment, threat detection and event correlation provide a holistic view of an organization’s security posture and critical system configuration, facilitating relevant responses such as patch management prioritization.

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